Chapter Leadership


Chapter Chair


Jennifer Conder
Chapter Co-Chair

Chapter Treasurer


Amity Patton Marsh
Chapter Secretary


About Us

Moms for Liberty - Davidson County Chapter is dedicated to the survival of America by unifying, educating and empowering parents to defend their parental rights at all levels of government.

Invite aunts, uncles, grandparents, anyone who wants to protect parental rights.  You do not have to be a mom to be part of our chapter.  

We are stronger together!


Metro Nashville Public Schools home page


School Board

Sign up to speak at the school board  

Find your school district.  Click on "online district map" and type in your address.

Meet your school board members.

District 1 – Dr. Sharon Gentry                         

Phone: 615-268-5269
EmailSharon Gentry

District 2- Rachael Elrod, 2022 candidate                                                             Other District 2 Candidates

Phone: 615-669-2029                                                                                     Edward Arnold

                                                                                                                         Janeen Kingma

                                                                                                                         Todd Pembroke

                                                                                                                         Mark Woodward 

District 3 – Emily Masters

Phone: 615-275-6922  
EmailEmily Masters

District 4 – John Little, 2022 candidate                                                                    Other District 4 Candidates

Phone: 615-584-4616                                                                                 Berthena Nabaa-McKinney 

                                                                                                                     Kelli Phillips
EmailJohn Little

District 5 – Christiane Buggs

Phone: 615-525-5371
EmailChristiane Buggs

District 6 – Franchata Bush, 2022 Candidate                                                Other District 6 Candidates

Phone: 615-569-7301                                                                              Natalie Martin  

                                                                                                                 Cheryl Mayes  

EmailFran Bush

District 7 – Freda Player-Peters

Phone: 615-853-4440  

EmailFreda Player Peters

District 8 – Gini Pupo-Walker                                                                        District 8 Candidates

Phone: 615-714-7043                                                                               Erin Block  

                                                                                                                    Chris Moth  

                                                                                                                    Amy Pate   

EmailGini Pupo-Walker

District 9 – Abigail Tylor  

Phone: 615-491-7765

EmailAbigail Tylor


Critical Race Theory 



What is Critical Race Theory?

Critical Race Theory forces all children to view everything through the lens of race.  It divides them into groups and then pits them against one another.

CRT is a worldview that divides society into groups (Victims and Oppressors)

It teaches:

  • that all of society is rigged for the benefit of the Oppressor, mainly the white male.

  • Everything that makes up American Society is racist

  • any opinion apart from theirs is racist, benefiting from the current system, and wants to hold onto their power

  • People who share a "victim" group view have the same perspective, different people cannot see the world the same way

  • Constant reflection on how you are racist

The Goal

Divide and Conquer : Split us into groups, get the groups to overthrow society and replace with new ideology.


Critical Race Theory may be disguised under buzzwords. Here are some to be on the lookout for:

  • Equity

  • Social Emotional Learning (SEL)
  • Implicit/Unconscious/Internalized Bias

  • Social Justice/Restorative Justice

  • Systemic Racism

  • Microaggressions
  • Antiracism

  • White Privilege

  • White Fragility

  • Colonialism

  • Identity

  • Ally/Allyship

  • Social Construct

    Thanks to Hamilton Co. for sharing!


Did You Know

  • Elementary students in Metro K-5 are introduced to topics such as: murder, gender fluidity, anti-police, anti-fire dept., graphic death, torture, anti-church, rape, murder, adultery, scalping/skinning, and stillbirth in the Language Arts curriculum - Wit & Wisdom!
  • First graders read a book that is a soft introduction to sex education.  
  • Second graders read a Martin Luther King book that does NOT even mention his famous quote about not judging people by the color of their skin but the content of their character. 
  • Third graders recieve 20 lessons that are anti-church.
  • When second graders come back from Christmas break, they spend 9 WEEKS on INJUSTICE!  The teacher's manual mentions injustice 314 ties in a book that is 478 pages!
  • Second graders are TAUGHT the "n" word!
  • Wit & Wisdom, the English Language Arts curriculum for MNPS, DOES have CRT in it.
  • YOU are needed to help protect our children!

Wit & Wisdom Library

Williamson County Library has all the teachers' manuals, workbooks, reviews, and video presentations for Wit & Wisdom. 

Visit Williamson County's Library here 


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