August 29th - September 1st

National Summit

The following is the schedule for all events at the summit
August 29th - September 1st

National Summit

The following is the schedule for all events at the summit
Time Location Event Presenter
7:30 AM - 7:30 PM Registration Open
Registration Open
6:30 PM - Ballroom Foyer Welcome Reception Seth Dillon, The Babylon Bee Rob Schneider, Comedian
Welcome Reception

Gather with friends old and new for a kick off reception with live music,  h’ doeuvres, a cash bar and hear from actor, filmmaker and comedian Rob Schneider.


Time Location Event Presenter
7:30 AM - 4:00 PM Registration Open
Registration Open
Kelly Schenkoske
Independent researcher
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM Breakfast General Session - Change Maker Panel Keynote Speakers: Tulsi Gabbard, Jennifer Sey, Maud Maron, Shawn Thierry
Breakfast General Session - Change Maker Panel

Join us as we kick off Summit ’24 with breakfast that includes a panel with Tulsi Gabbard, Jennifer Sey, Maud Maron & Shawn Thierry moderated by co-founder Tiffany Justice. 

10:15 AM - 11:15 AM Strategy Sessions
Strategy Sessions
Salon E How to be your own Investigative Journalist Luke Rosiak
How to be your own Investigative Journalist

Luke Rosiak, the reporter who broke the story of Loudoun County’s transgender rape coverup, walks through how any parent can become a detective in her school district, finding wrongdoing through Freedom of Information Act requests, databases, and other tools.

Salon D Not Just a Bill: Crafting Parental Rights Laws with Teeth! Tonya Shellnut, Matt Sharp, Jordan Carpenter
Not Just a Bill: Crafting Parental Rights Laws with Teeth!

A lot of bills call themselves a “parents’ bill of rights,” but many of them don’t provide meaningful protections for parental rights. Attorneys with Alliance Defending Freedom will walk you through what makes for a great parental rights bill, give examples from states that are doing it right, and leave you equipped to advocate for strong laws in your home state.

Salon G How to Write for the Local Media Mary G. Vought, Vice President of Strategic Communications at The Heritage Foundation.
How to Write for the Local Media

Working with your local media, especially on topics like education or with your school board, is critical to shaping public opinion and awareness. Mary Vought, a communications and public affairs veteran, will dive into how to build and leverage these relationships in your state and local area and share her best tips and tricks for you to take home! 

Salon F History of Marxism James Lindsay
History of Marxism
11:30 AM - 12:30 PM Strategy Sessions
Strategy Sessions
Salon D Title IX: Everything you need to know about Title IX, but no one is talking about Kim Hermann, Braden Boucek, Sara Parshall Perry, Alan Gura
Title IX: Everything you need to know about Title IX, but no one is talking about

For over 50 years, Title IX has prohibited discrimination on the basis of sex in America’s schools. In April 2024, the DoEd issued new regulations that radically change the definition of sex to include gender identity and turn Title IX on its head. In this panel attorneys from Southeastern Legal Foundation, the lawyers representing Moms for Liberty in its Title IX lawsuit, will be joined by attorneys from Heritage Foundation and Institute for Free Speech as they explain Title IX, the 2024 changes, and what that means for you as a parent.

Salon E The 10 Laws of Fundraising Andy Olivastro and Carsten Walter
The 10 Laws of Fundraising

Join Andy and Carsten Walter as they discuss why and how fundraisers should focus on building relationships with those who have a mutual desire to make our country a better place through the ten laws that one of the greatest conservative movement fundraisers, John von Kannon, lived and worked by.

Salon F How to Work With Your School Board Jessie Thompson FCCSBMM , & Bryce Fiedler - CALN
How to Work With Your School Board

The education reform movement has made considerable progress in recent years, but political blowback and recalcitrant administrators have prevented major policy change in many school districts. This panel will feature leading organizations that have successfully advocated for reform, exploring the most effective reform strategies for curricular audits, academic goal-setting, parental rights, controversial subjects and materials transparency, holding administrators accountable, budget cuts, labor reform, and more.

Salon G What does it mean to Abolish the Department of Education? Lindsey Burke, Director of the Center for Education Policy at The Heritage Foundation
What does it mean to Abolish the Department of Education?

The US Department of Education is on a losing streak. Not only is it unconstitutional, but the department is making its own case for closure by promulgating policies that are either ineffective or illegal (or both). Join Lindsey Burke to hear about how closing the department is a victory for parents and what comes next. 

12:45 PM - 2:15 PM Lunch General Session - The Culture War Frontline - Media Matters panel Sebastain Gorka, Jan Jekielek and Adele Malpass.  Moderated by Tiffany Justice.
Lunch General Session - The Culture War Frontline - Media Matters panel

Join us in the ballroom for our Lunch General Session as we award this years Liberty Sword!

You will hear from Dr. James Lindsay followed by a panel discussing the role media is playing in shaping our culture and country with Sebastain Gorka, Jan Jekielek and Adele Malpass.  Moderated by Tiffany Justice.

2:30 PM - 3:20 PM Strategy Sessions
Strategy Sessions
Salon D The 3 R’s of State Legislative Success Charlie Misseijer
The 3 R’s of State Legislative Success

This panel highlights our very own MOMS who efficiently carry out a grassroots ground game through their M4L State Legislative Committees. The conversation will drill down into what it takes to effectively prepare for upcoming legislative sessions, and how that preparation translates into success on legislation within M4L’s mission in statehouses across the country.

Salon F The Politicization of Education Michael Young
The Politicization of Education

Michael Young will be discussing the intellectual roots of the radical political ideology calling itself “Social Justice” (AKA “woke”) that is currently hijacking our schools. He will explain what this ideology believes, what arguments woke activists uses to advance this ideology, and how you can articulately and confidently stand your ground in a debate when they attack your beliefs.

Salon G Anti-Semitism through the Ages Laurie Cardoza Moore
Anti-Semitism through the Ages

We are witnessing an explosion of antisemitic attacks against Jews around the globe. Is this a new phenomena, or just an age-old hatred that is manifesting in this, our generation? Now, more than ever, Christians, Jews and all people of conscience must recognize this ancient hatred and our responsibility to confront this global threat head-on. God told Abraham; “I will bless those who bless you and curse him who curses you, and he who ignores you… I will utterly destroy.” The blessing of The Almighty on a nation will be determined by how that nation treats our Jewish brethren and Israel.

Salon E The Importance of Healthy Families: Boyhood and the Changing Role of the Man in American Life Brenda Hafera, Assistant Director and Senior Policy Analyst for the Simon Center for American Studies at The Heritage Foundation & Delano Squires, Research Fellow in the Richard and Helen DeVos Center for Life, Religion, and Family at The Heritage Foundation.
The Importance of Healthy Families: Boyhood and the Changing Role of the Man in American Life

Fathers, like mothers, matter. But today, many boys and men are struggling to flourish without the sense of purpose that comes from being rooted within marriages, communities, churches, and country. Brenda Hafera and Delano Squires will discuss what is causing the changing role of the man in American Life and why defending marriage and family shouldn’t be a partisan matter.

3:30 PM - 4:20 PM Strategy Sessions
Strategy Sessions
Salon D Moms Know Best: Protecting Kids from Secret Gender Transitions in Schools Kate Anderson, January Littlejohn
Moms Know Best: Protecting Kids from Secret Gender Transitions in Schools

Schools across the country are socially transitioning children—treating them like the opposite sex while hiding it from their parents. Come hear how you can protect your children from these dangerous policies. Kate Anderson, a mom and attorney for Alliance Defending Freedom, will walk you through the law and what it means for your family. She’ll then be joined by Tammy and Autumn Fournier and January Littlejohn, as they tell their personal stories of facing and challenging these policies.

Salon E Helping Teachers Leave the Union Aaron Withe, The Freedom Foundation
Helping Teachers Leave the Union

Aaron Withe will discuss the influence of the teachers unions over our political system and how we can eliminate their influence once and for all.

Salon F Community Schools: Engaging Government, Disengaging Parents Kelly Schenkoske
Community Schools: Engaging Government, Disengaging Parents
Salon G How We Got Here: Dewey, Mann and the Robber Barons Alex Newman
How We Got Here: Dewey, Mann and the Robber Barons
4:30 PM - 6:30 PM Dinner on your own
Dinner on your own
7:00 PM - 8:00 PM Dessert Reception
Dessert Reception
8:00 PM - 9:00 PM Evening with President Trump President Donald J. Trump
Evening with President Trump
Time Location Event Presenter
8:00 AM - 9:30 AM Registration Open
Registration Open
8:30 AM - 9:30 AM Ballroom Foyer Grab and Go Breakfast
Grab and Go Breakfast

Stop by the ballroom foyer for a grab and go breakfast and join us at The March for Kids at the DAR Constitution Hall.

1776 D Street NW
Washington, D.C. 20006

Must have FREE ticket to enter.  Register here:


10:00 AM - 1:00 PM DAR Constitution Hall The March for Kids
The March for Kids

Join us at The March for Kids at the DAR Constitution Hall.

1776 D Street NW
Washington, D.C. 20006

Must have FREE ticket to enter.  Register here:


The March for Kids is a collaboration of dozens of grassroots organizations from all corners of the country, unifying together for one purpose: parents have a fundamental right to direct the upbringing of their children.




4:00 PM - 6:00 PM Registration Open
Registration Open
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM Cocktail Reception
Cocktail Reception

Meet up with friends as we prepare for the “Such A Time As This” Awards Dinner.  The cocktail reception will include music, hors d’oeuvres and cash bar.

7:00 PM - 10:00 PM Ballroom “Such a Time as This” Awards Dinner Gala Keynote speaker Glenn Beck
“Such a Time as This” Awards Dinner Gala

The Moms for Liberty “Such A Time As This” Awards Gala Dinner is the highpoint of the Summit!  A true celebration of all the moms and dads standing up today for their children.  We will award 7 Founders Awards and hear from Keynote Speaker Glenn Beck.

Time Location Event Presenter
8:00 AM - 9:00 AM Registration Open
Registration Open
9:00 AM - 11:30 AM Ballroom The Blessings of Liberty General Session Breakfast Keynote Speakers: Dr. Alveda King, Rick Green, Marissa Streit, Zoe Tara Zeigherman, Zach Kessel, Danielle Shapiro
The Blessings of Liberty General Session Breakfast

The Blessings of Liberty Breakfast

Start your Sunday morning with a performance from the children in Liberty Kids Club.

Hear from American icon Dr. Alveda King.

Marissa Streit, CEO, PragerU will lead a panel with Zoe Tara Zeigherman, Zach Kessel, Danielle Shapiro as they discuss their experience with antisemitism and religious liberty in school.

Rick Green, Patriot Academy will speak on Restoring American Exceptionalism One Family At A Time: With passion and humor, Rick outlines the timeless principles of liberty which allowed America to become the most successful nation in history; not perfect, not infallible, and certainly not indestructible, but something exceptional & extraordinary… truly unique in all of history. Rick will share powerful stories and principles from the American story and leave the audience with specific action steps for applying those principles to our personal and family lives while preserving them for future generations.

Enjoy a musical performance from Kamryn Green.


Catalina Stubbe

Director of Hispanic Outreach

Catalina is a successful mother of four, rooted in her love of God and family. She is always advocating for the wellbeing of children. She has been featured on Fox & Friends with Kayleigh McEnany, War Room with Steve Bannon, Linea De Fuego (Univision) and more. She is a Colombian American businesswoman, journalist, philanthropist, strategy adviser, contributor and commentator, and humble servant to the Lord.

Pat Blackburn

National Director of Chapters

Pat is a retired educator and mom. She envisions a public school system in America that is reflective of the principles of freedom granted by our Creator. “God has called me, and equipped me, to do my part in service to Him and our country.”

Rosalind Hanson

Director of Development

Rosalind is the Mom to a joyful son, and like most parents, the pandemic afforded her a peek behind the classroom door. As Moms for Liberty’s Director of Development, Rosalind ensures our donors are kept up to date on our work, which is made possible by their generous financial support and the efforts of our over 130,000 volunteer members.

Tia Bess

Director of National Engagement

Tia is a mom of three with a blended family. Bess resides with her partner on a farm in Clay County, FL. She has been a member of Moms for Liberty since March 2021 when the pandemic led her to voice concerns regarding her children’s school in her district. Bess was born in Philadelphia, PA but left for Norfolk, VA at the age of seven due to gang violence in the area. Shortly after the move to Virginia, her family moved to Jacksonville, FL where she learned that her zip code didn’t define her, a message she hopes to spread to America.